- Encourage language and literacy development
- Enhance physical development skills by allowing infants to move comfortably by providing open carpeted areas
- To provide regular outside experiences
- To encourage creative expression through music, activities and art
- To incorporate routine tasks such as eating , diapering, etc., as a means for furthering an infants’ learning, self-help, and social skills
- To provide infants with many one-on-one, face-to-face interactions. All interactions are characterized by gentle and supportive responses.
- To foster infants with a positive identity, and sense of well-being by rocking , holding, and cuddling
- To allow infants to achieve mastery of their bodies through self-initiated motor skills such as rolling, sitting, standing, etc.
- To encourage infants to think, reason, question and experiment. One way to encourage this is to provide simple toys that respond to infants’ initiations, so they may witness cause and effect.